Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Back at it again ohh boy.
Today I've been pondering a particular moment in my elementary years at a christian school. Every day in the mornings at this school we would have a bible lesson. These lessons consisted of the teacher reading a story from the bible in front of the class while a member of the class held up pictures that were being described in the story.
Nonetheless my thoughts bring me to one particular story still remembered in the dark depths in the back of my mind. The story was a description of how heaven would look to someone who has deceased. It described heaven as being a giant floating box in space...well thats what I remember seeing on the photo...anyways as I sit here and reminise on a well remembered bible story I think about how much of that actual books misterious, unlogical information actually occured in the past. Veeerrryyy Minddbogglingg.

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